MacWorld 1997 August
Macworld (1997-08).dmg
Games World
For Doom II
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Text File
111 lines
* The Story *
(...aboard the Omega space station, orbiting Alpha Centuri 5)
It was a long day, and you were looking forward to just layin' low in your
quarters. But just as you got settled in, the COM phone started beeping.
DAMN! Now what? You hit the answer button...
Sh..! I knew I shoulda let it ring. "Yes, Captain."
"We've got a situation. There's been a major alien outbreak at the main
Alpha 1 base. We got the tail end of a distress call indicating the whole
place has been overrun. Strange thing is, the call indicated the invasion
came from 'down below'. We're not sure what that means and there's been no
further contact. Since you handled the outpost jobs so well, we're sending
you in to check it out. If it is an invasion, eradicate the enemy, and if
possible, locate and eliminate the source.
Unfortunately, the rest of your team is on another assignment, so you'll
either have to go it alone or assemble another crew. Sorry about that.
The plan is to tele-drop you outside the main entrance and let you proceed
from there. Without knowing what we're dealing with, anything further inside
might plant you in the middle of, shall we say, a 'bad' situation.
There'll be a full briefing in an hour. I know that's not much time, but
we want to get you dropped down there before dark. See you then."
Now 2 hours later, as you stand in the teleporter room awaiting final
departure, you wonder why you ever got into this business...
Title : ALPHA 1 Trilogy - consisting of:
Author : Rob Schweiner
Email Address : KPRU13B@prodigy.com - I'd love to hear what you think,
suggestions for improvement, etc.
Description : 3 fairly large levels for Doom II (tested on 1.666)
following the style of the original Doom II levels.
Some original (I hope) design concepts, but generally
nothing real wierd or exotic. And, of course, lots of
things to kill. You will need to be an experienced
player, but CHEATING IS NOT NECESSARY! All beta
testers could finish all 3 levels without cheat codes.
Also, while intended to be played as a sequence, they
were beta tested and successfully played individually
(without the power-ups from previous levels). Needless
to say it's a bit more challenging.
Additional Info : While the main focus was providing plenty of action, a
fair amount of time was spent on visual detailing and
overall aesthetics. The hope was to create a setting
that looked like an actual outpost, rather than some-
thing wild or exotic (alas, visplane errors squashed
the intended design of some of the larger areas).
While not primarily designed for Deathmatch play, all
4 player and Deathmatch starts are provided on each
level. A shotgun is provided at each Deathmatch start
but I suggest you play without monsters or you may not
get very far.
Beta Testers : Rob Schweiner, Bruce Kuehl, Bruce Riley,
Greg Struble, Daniel Cardin
Additional Credits : Ben Morris for DCK.
Marc Rouseau for ZenNode .98a.
Bruce Kuehl for a number of design suggestions.
And, as always, to id Software for starting it all!
* Play Information *
Doom Version : Doom II (tested on ver 1.666)
Episode and Level # : E1M1, E1M2, E1M3
Single Player : YES
Cooperative 2-4 Player : YES
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES (not tested)
Difficulty Settings : YES (same bad guys but less health & ammo)
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
Release Date : May 19, 1997
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Build Time : Beyond count (what else is new)
Editors : Mostly DCK 2.2, some DCK 3.1
Known Bugs : none - HOWEVER: if you make changes to these wads,
there are a couple of "outdoor" sidedefs that
deliberately have no textures. This was necessary
to create the desired effects and may show up as
an error in whatever editor you use.
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format
(BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
* Where to get these wads *